Maps in The Pants

Whether it’s the first time, or if it’s just been a while, let’s connect and get to know each other (better) as humans.

  1. If we haven’t connected yet, connect with me on LinkedIN. I post some super useful stuff there, as well :)

  2. Put 30 minutes on my calendar to chat. No strings attached, whatsoever.

Let’s get to know each other (in many cases after not chatting for a long time) as humans, friends.

Of course, if there’s something I can help you with, just ask and I’ll do whatever I can to ask.

Don’t be a stranger, friend.

In this issue: Maps in the Pants? Yes, please.

Maps in Your Pants, Too?

Aight, a quick one today.

You might be wondering if I didn’t fall off my rocker today or something.

It’s weird, but I was wearing a pair of green (teal) pants this morning.

My favorite pants company (if that’s a thing) - Devereux.

I didn’t wear these for a very long time.

Not even much back in Brooklyn.

Anyways, I go to take a shower and look for something in the pockets.

And I discover…

I kid you not, maps in my pants.

[get your mind out of the gutter, you sicko!]

Like, they printed a map on the fabric of both pockets.

And not just any map, but a map of the old Louisville railroad.

You know by now, I’m a Kentucky guy.


Methinks NOT.

Ok, but who cares, dude?

Stay with me here.

There’s a great little lesson hiding in plain sight.

Look, I barely wear these things, if ever.

Just because I have to wear pants to synagogue in the morning.

Shorts are a bit disrespectful.

Anyways, all I had to do was look more carefully.

But because I’m a creature of habit, I never paid attention.

Not the Kentucky connection, not the hipster lining.

Made me wonder. Just how many things do I miss, hiding in plain sight?

[And keep in mind, I’m ALWAYS on the lookout for signals EVERYWHERE.

Animals, plants, songs, emails, people’s expressions.

What are they all trying to tell me, right?

What signals is G-d sending me and what do I make of them?]

How many things do we all miss, which are hiding in plain sight?

Maybe it’s body language, maybe it’s job opportunities, maybe it’s someone trying to become friends with us.

Maybe because we’re tired or cynical or awkward.

Maybe because we can’t detect or make sense of all these signals, so we willfully ignore them.

Anyways, maps in the pants. 

What other maps to what other treasures might be hiding in the pockets?

What’s sewn into the lining?

Who’s trying to play a sly joke on me?

Coincidentally, I’m taking a few rather different perspectives and actions for my work and business this week.

Tools that let me get super-accurate scripts from my client testimonials, trainings, coaching sessions. (See/Subscribe to my Notes on this page)

Basically, whatever wisdom I’ve collected, but sitting locked up in some file on my hard drive or in the cloud.

And I’m just here, thinking, if only I had the time and all that money to pay an army of contractors.

No more, no need.

AI’s on the case. Stay tuned.

Anyways, I can record a video of how I do whatever process and another AI tool instantly creates a manual out of it.

Another tool creates a video avatar (!!) of me and can be easily and accurately translated to 120 languages.

Yep, mind truly blown.

And in other areas of life, I’m just blocking out urgent distractions that have dogged me for weeks and just sat my behind in a chair and applied myself to my business, career and home.

It’s been a few rather hard months for being able to focus, in case you haven’t read the lines.

Anyways, fresh perspectives and more effective, pointed actions should bring better results, with G-d’s help.

But guess what?

The maps were in my proverbial pants pockets this whole time.

I just stuck to my stubborn old ways with a hope and a prayer.

When life (and wife ;) pushed me, really pushed me, then I discovered the map hiding right there, in plain sight.

Sometimes, like it or not, it takes that kind of push — frankly, a swift, threatening kick in the ass — for us to open our eyes and see what’s really there.

Well, that’s me, finally starting to see a bit better.

Let’s hope.

And with that, what maps are hiding in your proverbial pants?

Where are you floundering, even though you have everything you need inside your head, home and hard drive?

Yalla, let’s go! Get in that map archive ASAP, amigo/a!

My Offer:

Put 30 minutes on my calendar to chat. No strings attached, whatsoever.

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